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Blood of Cupids Page 3

  It was obvious I was not ready for any more questions that would cause me to open up to this stranger.

  With that evident roadblock to our conversation, Ryan slid my pint toward me, indicating for me to finish.

  “So you are trying to get me drunk.”

  “Absolutely.” He smiled.

  I couldn’t handle it anymore. I didn’t want to talk, but my body was completely ready to cross that line. I took a giant gulp and threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around him and smashing my lips to his. It wasn’t elegant by any means. It was a complete drunken, sloppy kiss, but I didn’t care. We found our rhythm. I climbed on top of him, my legs straddling his hips. His hands discovered my lower back and slipped up my sweater, caressing my untouched skin. I pulled away, wanting to see him. I wanted to see his beautiful face. What had this night turned into? How had I come to meet this overpowering man?

  He nodded to me, and I nodded in return. Ryan spread his hands around my hips and lifted me onto him as he stood. He pushed through the door, and crossed the street. I needed to kiss him again. I was addicted. I squeezed my legs, attempting to get closer to him. I felt him reach into my pocket; this was escalating quickly, and not an ounce of me cared to stop it. My attention moved to his hand, which seemed to be searching for something. I felt his fist clench as he pulled out my keys. My keys? I broke our kiss and looked around. We were at my door.

  “How did you know I lived here?” I ask, pushing away from him.


  She was sweet, different. It was simple, normal even, to talk to someone who knew nothing about me. All the other girls in and out of my bed were constantly grabbing for information about the “life”. They found our club fascinating, and were only counting how many dicks they had to suck before one of us asked them to be an “ol’ lady”.

  It was also refreshing to know that there was no way Grace had ever slept with my Pops. That was always an interesting conversation to have.

  I shouldn’t have asked about her mother. I clam up when people ask about mine; why would I have done the same? She seemed to become hesitant, not even willing to give me her last name. If this night were heading in the direction I was planning, I would need to steer clear of anything that personal. More beer would help.

  I slid her glass closer to her without breaking our eye contact.

  “So you are trying to get me drunk.”

  “Absolutely.” Was it weird how adorable I thought she was, or that I kept using that word to describe her? It was like I was talking about a kitten: a fucking hot kitten with a body that needed to be released from the confines of her clothes.

  Before I could take another breath, she pounced on me. My jeans tightened instantly. My body was not used to this much talking before any action. Her knees slammed to either side of my hips and the idea of being inside of her was flooding my thoughts. I wanted her skin. My hand slipped up the back of her ribbed sweater. She was so soft against my calloused fingers. I wanted to dig in, to claim her as my own.

  She pulled away. Had I done something too wrong? Was she startled by the thickness growing beneath her weight? No. Her eyes were just below the level of extreme desire. She wanted me, but was trying to play timid. There was no need for that. This was the part I was good at.

  I nodded, asking her permission. With her, I’d be a gentleman—for now. At her positive response, I ploughed my fingers into her hips and lifted her as I stood. She was lighter than I thought she’d be, and I’m stronger than I look. I assured myself yet again that this was going to be fun. I deserved this fun.

  For the first time, I found myself wishing that my apartment wasn’t a shit hole. Still, I didn’t know this girl, and the time it would take to get the ten miles to my place might be just enough time for her to sober up and realize she didn’t know the man with whom she was about to crawl into bed. Lucky for me, I knew she lived right across the street.

  I crossed the streets with ease, even though our faces were plastered together. This didn’t feel like habit as so many of my other conquests have. It felt like passion. Grace was definitely something else. She was something I had yet to experience.

  My instincts were solely set on finding her bed, and without even a thought, I slid my hand into her back pocket. Her body was firm, and her ass tensed at my touch. Yes, there was a body under her clothes and it was about to be claimed as mine. I pulled her keys to freedom, but the sound of the metal caused her to look up. A hint of concern spread across her face.

  “How did you know I lived here?”

  Shit. My mind was clouded beyond judgment. I hadn’t thought of this issue. How was I going to explain that I was stunned by her beauty, her innocence, and followed her into the bar, hoping to learn more? I was so good at lying. Why couldn’t I think of one damn excuse?

  “I saw you leaving your apartment and I was stunned by your beauty, your innocence, so I followed you into the bar, hoping to learn more.”

  Fuck. Seriously? Did I not have a filter anymore? Why the hell was I compelled to not lie to this girl? That was it. I’d definitely fucked up my chances.

  “What?” She paused. “Wait, so when you were looking around in the bar, it was for me?”

  I had already laid the groundwork for my sexless evening, might as well get it over with. “Yup.” I couldn’t even look at her. It was fucking embarrassing. How had it all turned to shit so quickly?

  I softened my grip, allowing her to unwrap her legs from my hips, but instead she grabbed my face, forcing eye contact.

  “Thank you.”

  What? Why was she thanking me? I didn’t get to ask why, for in the next second, our tongues were entwined, and she was pulling at my shirt. I would have to thank the two pitchers of beer for eliminating the creepy factor of our first encounter.

  “Grace. Grace.”

  “What?” She breathlessly whispered in reply.

  “We need to go inside.”

  She looked around, realizing that her hands had already undone the button on my jeans.

  “Right. Okay.”

  She loosened the command of her thighs and climbed off of me. My hips felt empty. I wanted to be closer. I needed to be closer. She grabbed my hand, pulling me through the doors of the brownstone, and up a single flight of stairs. She stuck the key into the keyhole, but the implied action was overwhelming. I flipped her around and slammed my body up against hers. Her knee slid up my thigh and I grabbed her ass and pulled her into me. I didn’t want to hide my hunger, my readiness, for her. She gave a slight yelp as I pushed into her hips. Yes. She had no idea what was in store for her. I turned the knob and allowed the door to swing open from our combined weight.

  Wow. Her apartment was gorgeous. What kind of money did this girl come from? I was very happy with the decision to not travel to my apartment. Things would have turned out quite differently had she seen how I kept my place, especially now that our damn prospect didn’t have to do every menial thing I asked of him.

  I threw her onto the brown leather couch, and watched her jaw drop slightly as I peeled off my hoodie. Yes, this was the part I was good at. I crawled on top her, letting her enjoy my weight. I slipped my hand under her chin and lifted her lips to mine. Now I’d take it slow. I had her. She was mine tonight.

  I slid her lips between mine, tasting every bit of her sweet breath. My fingers combed into her hair and I felt her body chill beneath mine. I rocked my hips, making sure she knew what she was in for, and she tilted in return. I couldn’t remember the last time I had this much fun enticing a woman.

  It was time to take it up a notch. I grabbed the base of the cinched sweater, and caressed her body as I brought the shirt over her head. The act tousled her hair, causing my breath to catch slightly as I was hit with the fruity scent of what I could only assume was her shampoo. I quickly caught myself, reminding my desire that I now could take in the body that lay beneath me. Her skin was pale, matching the color of her face. Her bra was tight and overflowing, as her chest had
risen in response to my seduction. I couldn’t keep my hands off of her. My palm spread across her chest, wanting to take her neck between my fingers, reminding her that she was mine. Not yet. I wasn’t about to scare her off before getting what I wanted, and I wanted her. I wanted to be inside. I wanted her warmth to encompass me. How much longer could I allow this seduction to continue before I took her as mine?

  My finger traced her collarbone, tickling her skin beneath my touch. My lips moved to her neck, and she arched into me.

  “Calm down, Grace, or this evening will end too soon.”

  Her only response was a small exhale of breath. My kisses traced the curves of her body, and I found myself sliding down to the floor, eye level with her naval. A small indent ran down the middle of her stomach, begging me to travel quicker to my final destination. I looked up at her, needing to ensure her ecstasy. Her head was arched back, and she was lightly panting. I hadn’t even gotten to the good stuff yet.

  My fingers worked quickly, pulling her pants from her body, and witnessing the masterpiece that was about to be mine. She looked untouched. No scars, no tattoos, only perfect, pearl skin. And I was about to take it. I lowered my mouth to the satin barrier lying between her and my desire, and blew my hot breath. She inhaled deeply, and I couldn’t help but smile. It was a wicked smile. I felt positively wicked, and I loved every second of it. This was exactly how I wanted to celebrate. What had I rightly done for karma to grant me this woman tonight?

  I needed her lips again. I crawled on top of her and took her mouth in mine. I felt pearls of sweat forming on her chest. This was too easy. It was time to move to a less constrictive region of the apartment. I cupped her ass and rocked back, swinging us both to our feet. From there, I quickly caught the back of her knees and cradled her petite frame to my chest. I looked down at her and smiled. Her expression halted me. I couldn’t quite make it out. She was obviously turned on, and perhaps still drunk, but there was something about her that I was missing. Still, I wasn’t the type of guy to stop and ask for directions, and I wasn’t about to let a thoughtful stare end the plans I had for her tonight.

  I made my way down a small hallway and found an open door containing a bed. Perfect. I took it all in. It was definitely her bedroom. There was a small window seat with a pile of books neatly sprawled out. Otherwise, the room was immaculate. For some reason I expected more pink. Instead, the colors were dark. There were splashes of emerald green, but other than that, the brightness I had seen in her up until this point was not mirrored in her choice of surroundings. I guess we all have a dark side.

  I placed her on the bed and gave her a small kiss before kicking my pants to the ground. My intentions were obvious as I took my place above her. I reached under and unhooked her bra, releasing her still taut breasts. They were full and peaked, begging for me to taste. I did not deny their call, and her hands found their way to my back as I took her in. I suckled harder, wanting more, needing more of her. Her nails dug and my back prickled from the muted pain. That was it. I couldn’t take it anymore. My hands discovered the satin barrier and I began to tug. I felt her hands leave my back, and then everything came to a stop. I pulled up, catching her stare.

  “You okay?” My words were forceful, deliberate. I can’t say I was happy she had stilled my passion.

  “Yes.” She was cautious.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Ryan,” it took her forever to form the words, “I’ve never…” What was she trying to tell me and why was it taking so long?


  She was silent. My need for her hadn’t ceased, and this brief pause pissed me off. I sat up. “Grace, what the hell?”

  “I’m a…”

  Her eyes filled with sorrow and fear, and it dawned on me what she was attempting to tell me. Oh God, I hoped I was reading her wrong.

  “You’re a…” I couldn’t even say the word. It was so far from my knowledge.

  She nodded, apologetically.



  “What the hell did you think was going to happen here, Grace? Did you think I was coming up here to cuddle? How old are you?” He said.

  I was so embarrassed. The effects of the alcohol had worn off and I was practically naked and had no idea what I was doing. Literally, I had no idea what I was doing. I couldn’t answer. I just stared at him.

  “Oh my God, how old are you, Grace?”

  “No, no, I’m twenty three.”

  “Twenty three? And you’ve never…you’ve never…you’re so…”

  He was stumbling over his words.

  “Don’t be mad.”

  “Seriously? Yes, I’m mad. You can’t just stop a man in the middle of… and drop a bomb like this. Who the hell do you think you are? I thought this was happening. God!”

  “Ryan, it was, and… and it still can… I just need you to take it slow.”

  “Are you asking me to…? Do you know what kind of pressure that is? Or how twisted that is? You’re wasted, Grace. I’m not taking away the...” he could barely say the word, “the virginity that you’ve obviously been holding onto for some God forsaken reason, just because you’re having a moment of weakness. What do you take me for?”

  I could see the fire building up inside of him. The thing was, I wasn’t holding on to my virginity for any moral reason. It’s simply impossible to lose it when your infamous father is constantly breathing down your neck. No one dared to even touch me, and I don’t blame them for that. But it didn’t mean I didn’t so desperately want to be touched.

  “Ryan.” I pleaded as I crawled to the edge of the bed, begging for him to stop dressing. “There’s no ‘God forsaken reason’. I’ve just never been given the opportunity.”

  “Don’t play games with me, Grace. You know you’re fucking gorgeous.”

  I couldn’t help but blush at the compliment, even if he was raging. I slid off the edge of the bed and cautiously approached him. I was exposed, and that should have mattered to me, but the pain he was feeling was too overpowering for any other emotions to take shape. I shot my arm out, grabbing his chest. My hand tingled at the touch. His body was beautiful, perfect. Across the right side of his rib cage was a tattoo. It was a giant set of wings with an arrow piercing the feathers. The sketch looked oddly familiar, as if it haunted my dreams, but I was unable to place it. I’m sure I was just caught up in the moment.

  “Don’t touch me!” He bellowed as he spun toward me, seizing my wrist.

  “I’m sorry, I just…please sit?” I wasn’t scared of him. This was nothing compared to the anger I’d seen in the club. I’ve seen the way men can treat women. Not much could faze me, and yet, I hated to see this side of him. I ached to heal his pain; I didn’t want to be the cause of it.

  Ryan stared at me for a moment, and I could see the lust in his eyes. He wanted me. Couldn’t we just start over?

  “I have to go.”

  “No. Stay.”

  “I can’t. That’s not the way this works, Grace.”

  Why did he keep saying my name? It made the fact that he was leaving that much harder.

  I grabbed his gaze and held on for dear life. I wanted him to know how I was feeling. I wanted him to know that I was angry too. I didn’t want this to be my life. I wanted to be a normal girl who had experienced things first hand, instead of one who only witnessed it all by walking into a clubhouse, looking for her father through a wreckage of the previous night’s party. I’ve seen what alcohol could do to you, I’ve seen what sex could do to you, but I had no idea what they would do to me. Why couldn’t I tell him all of this?

  Because it would scare him the fuck away. That’s why. But wasn’t I already doing that?

  Even with my naked body before him, Ryan’s eyes didn’t stray from mine. The fire between us was growing, and I could feel our bodies inching toward each other, even if only in spirit. I couldn’t handle the energy any longer, and my eyes dropped, knowing I was losing the battle. I felt his hand wrap a
round my arm and pull me close to him, my face instantly tilting up to his. My breath became labored, and it was impossible not to attach a sound to it. I wanted him. By now I was stone cold sober, and I wanted all of him. Why did I feel the need to admit my fault in the first place?

  Our lips drifted closer and closer, longing to be one, and yet, I still felt hesitation. His grip on my arm tightened, causing my stomach to stir even more. If I could have only lifted to my toes, our kiss would be complete. I began to rise, but saw a change in his face as he sensed my motive.

  “Ryan, I want you to…”

  I saw a moment of weakness, but it was quickly followed by a shake of his head as he dropped his hold on my arm. He turned, heading toward the front door.

  “Ryan, please!”

  But he didn’t swing around. He had given up on me.

  I heard the door slam, and I collapsed to the floor. How could I expect normal? I was not normal. Nothing about me was normal.

  In that moment, I hated everything about myself. I hated my looks, my body, my actions, and my family. I pulled a t-shirt over my head, trying to hide anything I could. Then my feet started moving under me. They were running toward the door. I was chasing him. I didn’t want him to leave, and God dammit, I was going to make him come back. I swung the door open, prepared to run down the stairs in nothing but a t-shirt and underwear, but I was stopped suddenly in the doorway. Ryan hadn’t left. He was standing in the doorframe, staring down at me. It seemed like hours of intense eye contact before he gave in with a sigh and crushed his lips to mine.

  I sucked in all the breath I could as he snatched the t-shirt from my body, let out an audible groan, threw me over his shoulder, and made his way back toward the bedroom. I couldn’t help but smile. Then again, what had I just given into?

  He flipped me off of his shoulder and threw me onto the bed. I saw the pain in his eyes as he looked at me.

  “Just to be clear—” He started.

  “I want this.”